State-wise Land Records Name: Check Land Records in India Online


If you are planning to invest in a new home, market research becomes hugely important, especially in the post-lockdown era. While purchasing resale properties can be an easier option considering the fact that the house was already inhabited by the previous owner, things get a bit trickier when you wish to invest in a new apartment that is still under construction.

Land Records

 In this case, it is essential to first zero in on a few properties and eventually check the land records of the same to avoid possession-specific issues and other forms of discrepancies, in the future. Considering the fact that you would be applying for a home loan to get hold of a new property, it makes sense to get any doubts about the land, out of the way in the first place.

The Role of Digitization in Storing Land Records

It is 2021 and as we speak, land records across the country are rapidly getting digitized, to minimize issues concerning disputes, property scams, and litigations. According to the DILRMP initiative, proposed by the Indian Government, even the smallest of land records like mutation details, cadastral maps, and more, are to be stored and secured online for minimizing disputes.

Also, there is a dedicated state-wise portal for the same to allow you to get every detail about the concerned land of the ongoing construction. Still confused! Simply relate it to the fact that you have already finalized a flat from a certain builder, at a given location, only to find that land is still tangled in a couple of disputed arrangements with the local authorities. Hard pass then!

Perks of Digital Real-Estate Records

While seamless data procurement is one of the primary benefits of digital land and property records, there is a lot more to it than what meets the eye.

  • Most credible lenders like reputed banks, already have access to every digital land record pertaining to a given area. This allows them to identify disputed areas from the more transparent ones, thereby offering competitive home loan interest rate for the latter.
  • Homeowners who have previously taken out the digitally available land records are in a better state to register and mutate their properties for resale in the future
  • With the digitization of real-estate records, evading property taxes is no more an option
  • In case you plan on purchasing a piece of land, these records allow you to get hold of the ownership details in a few clicks, thereby making it easier to connect with the rightful owner
  • Also, if the property is identified to the clear of any dispute, the records can help you get an occupancy certificate with ease

Overall, land records and property details reveal the authenticity to the builder, in case you are planning to purchase a new flat. Also, if you have access to the digital interface, you can even get your own property registered whilst updating geo maps while at it.

Wrap Up

Once the land records are checked, you can head over to the Finserv MARKETS for finding lenders that can help you purchase the relevant property by offering a competitive home loan.

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